George Floyd death: Indo-American businessman Rahul Dubey opens doors to protestors, hailed as a ‘hero’

George Floyd death: Indo-American businessman Rahul Dubey opens doors to protestors, hailed as a ‘hero’

An Indian-American businessman, who opened the doors of his home in Washington to over 70 people demonstrating against the custodial killing of George Floyd, has emerged as a hero after he helped some strangers, fed them and made sure they were safe in his house, according to US media reports.

The death of 46-year-old African-American Floyd last week in Minneapolis has led to one of the biggest civic unrest in the history of America. Rahul Dubey, who has been living in Washington DC for the last 17 years, accommodated the large number of people in his house with some adjusting on the couch, some finding space in the rooms, while some were gratified to get rest even on the ledges of the bathtub.

“There’s about 75 people in my house. Some have got couch space. There’s a family, a mother and daughter here, that I gave my son’s room to so they get some peace and quiet. Yeah, even the ledges of the bathtub, and no one’s bitching. They’re happy-no, they’re not happy. They’re safe. They”re cheering.

“They’re backing each other,” Mr Dubey, 44, told Esquire magazine in an interview on Tuesday. The day after the Monday’s protests, Mr Dubey, the owner of the Alvarez Dubey Trading Co., appeared in major news media outlets and was hailed as a saviour as those who took shelter in his house started tweeting about it

In an interview to ABC News affiliate WJLA, Mr Dubey said that it was about 8:30 p.m. that he was sitting outside and saw police set up a brigade on 15 St. and Swann St. that turned into a holding area,

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