CLEVELAND >> California Trump Delegate Arun Bhumitra believes Indian Americans’ strong preference for the Democratic Party boils down to two issues.
Gun control and abortion rights.
“Indians are passive, non-violent people from the land of Ghandi — they don’t carry guns and they believe in a woman’s right to choose,” said Bhumitra, a member of Indian American Republicans of California who favors abortion rights himself.
“Other than that, Democrats don’t have an advantage. And it’s Republicans who are promoting less government regulations, less interference for businesses and entrepreneurs.”
While Indian Americans are just 0.4 percent of the state’s GOP voters, they are more than 3 percent of its 172 delegates with at least four members. Three of those are from the Los Angeles-Orange County area, including IARC founder KV Kumar of Santa Ana.
Our biggest goal is to educate Indian Americans and to let the Republican Party know who we are,” said Kumar, who runs a company that helps turn around struggling businesses.
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